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The first navigators were able to travel vast distances and arrive at their destination with only rudimentary tools. Some navigators, such as the ancient Polynesian “Hokulea”, were able to travel back and forth between islands that were hundreds, even thousands of miles apart without any charts or instruments at all.  They were able to determine their location while they travelled and determine which direction their destination was.  They could not always travel in straight lines because they had to work with the wind and currents, yet they never lost their internal sense of direction and arrived safely.


Our Youth Karate students have been working on the “Determination” Life Skill this month.  We are teaching them that determination means to work hard every day on achieving a goal, and not giving up until you get there.  We felt that this was a good life skill to discuss and reflect on, given our current circumstances.  Determination has two related meanings, and we’ve put time into understanding both.  As we’ve discovered, it’s not just about working hard, it’s also about knowing where you want to go, and not letting obstacles and circumstances keep you from achieving something important and meaningful.


It may seem like a bit of hyperbole to compare Centerpoint Youth Karate Students with ancient Polynesian sailors, but I believe it is a powerfully resonant image precisely because it is so universally relatable.  Kids are acutely aware of how different our lives have become and show remarkable resiliency and determination.  The children we teach on-line are demonstrating initiative and self-discipline. Their goals haven’t changed, and they are still working to achieve them every day. They are completing homework packets for school, working out and staying healthy, making progress in their martial arts classes and helping their families.  In short, they are continuing to do many of the things they need to do to live healthy, successful lives. The children in our community are working hard every day,  and know where they want to go.  That’s determination in a nutshell.