Day Camps
Whether it’s a single day or the whole summer, Centerpoint has great camps for kids from kindergarten to middle school. Our doors open at 7:30AM, and our day runs until 6:00PM. In between, it’s art projects, games, martial arts classes, field trips and quiet time for reading, games and spending time with friends. Here are some of our upcoming camps.
April Vacation Day Camp
Monday Apr. 21 – Friday Apr. 25, 2025 – Price Reduced by $25!
Spring in Maine! Still a little cold, still a bit damp, but there’s plenty of fun to be had.
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Summer Camps
Explorer Day Camp
Ages 4-6
Field trips, art projects, life skills, friends, and of course, martial arts!
Discoverer Day Camp
Ages 7 and Up
Field trips, art projects, life skills, friends, and of course, martial arts!